[nycphp-talk] Fw: TA04-033A: Multiple Vulnerabilities inMicrosoftInternet Explorer

joshmccormack at joshmccormack at
Wed Feb 4 09:41:33 EST 2004

On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 bpang at wrote:

> > Speaking of which, how many of you use linux as your primary desktop?
> I do. And I have even taught myself to use The Gimp!! It could still help
> me to learn how to script-fu it, but otherwise, it works fine for me.
> TRYING to rebuild a new desktop using something other than RedHat now.
> Which other distro has a nice point-and-click, make-the-hard-decisions for
> you install GUI like RedHat?
> I tried Debian and couldn't get it to bring up X.
> Tring Gentoo now, but it's taking forever, and I'm starting to get
> confused and will probably have to do it a second time to correct my
> mistakes from the first pass.
> Opinions? Advice?
> thanks

You can use Knoppix as a Debian installer. Gentoo takes a considerable amount of tweaking and patience for compiling. I think it has it's place, but wouldn't recommend it as a desktop you'll make your living off ofunless you really, really know what you're doing.


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