[nycphp-talk] Using PEAR?

David Sklar sklar at
Tue Feb 10 20:56:53 EST 2004

>> Since we're doing PEAR::DB this month, maybe next month is set for
>> ADOdb?  Maybe even a face off at the next meeting? :)
> Always being someone to volunteer another, David might be a good
> referee for that match because he covers both PEAR DB and ADOdb in
> his new book.
> I'm sure that he'd have already jumped in here, but he's out in
> California speaking at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. :)

I'd be happy to help out. I don't know if I would be the best ADOdb
advocate but I could certainly keep things moving as a ref.

I am indeed in San Diego now at the etech conference now. Lots of neat
stuff and while not many of the talks involve PHP directly or
many of the random conversations I've had with people result in them
telling me about the projects they're working on that use PHP.

And, in an unrelated note/plug. The chapter in "Essential PHP Tools"
about Mail talks a little bit about CAPTCHAs.


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