[nycphp-talk] [off] dummy domains on windows

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Fri Feb 13 12:22:03 EST 2004

hi there.

i realize this is not really a PHP question, but it is related to me 
getting PHP working the way I need it to on a windows machine.  :/

on my OS X box, i have several dummy domains pointing at, 
so that i can use apache's virtual hosts to have virtual servers on 
my machine, for testing of php projects locally.

i have a project which needs to run on a windows box, and i'd like 
instructions on how i can accomplish the same on my windows box.  i 
already have apache and php runnins, but my messing with LMHOSTS has 
so far not been fruitful.  am i on the right track?

Marc Antony Vose

Goddamn writers -- all they do is use up trees and ruin people's eyes.
-- Gus, from Basic Instinct, by Joe Esterhaus

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