[nycphp-talk] php install, on debian

bpang at bpang at
Tue Feb 17 14:54:00 EST 2004

haha... I know what you mean. Half the time I figure stuff out, I forget
to write it down,,, or I think I've finally learned something and it's so
important, how could I possibly allow myself to forget it!

I installed using apt-get, partly to see what the ./configure options are
via phpinfo().
I don't necessarily like it as it's full of crap I don't particularly
need... also there are some weirdnesses in it.. like
--with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs   but apxs is not in /usr/bin

also not showing mysql info in phpinfo(), but, I didn't install mysql via
apt-get.. is that a no-no when using apt-get?

maybe I'll trash the whole thing and try XAMPP instead, but I really would
like to install the old-fashioned way.

> Shoot, I was afraid you were going to make me remember what the details
> were...
> I should have been taking notes! Now *I* want to know.

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