[nycphp-talk] your IDE? (was "Zend Survey")

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Feb 18 12:35:52 EST 2004

Allen Shaw wrote:

>Anybody want to tell us what you're using to write your PHP code, and why
>you prefer that over other things you've tried?
When in Windows, Macromedia Studio (Dreamweaver for the PHP stuff)
When in Linux, a mix of vi/bluefish/quanta

I used to live exclusively in linuxland, but the needs to provide flash 
animation and quick layouts made it impossible to avoid Macromedia.  
These tools are quick, solid, and to the point - just how I like 'em!  
The code editor in Dreamweaver (from MX on, at least) has excellent 
indentation features, and the only thing I miss is code folding.  Other 
than that, thumbs up for me.  When in Linux now, the only stuff I am 
looking at is raw code, and usually on the server side, so vi does the 
trick.  When in X, I'll use what I can find, typically bluefish or quanta.

Not a big fan of commercial IDE's as I fear there are too many chefs in 
the kitchen to get what I need with reasonable performance and stability...

Hans, is this a subject for an article?  PHundamentals could work too, 
but it would be excellent to have a 'Top 20' list with a brief 
description of each, just like Fyodor's 'Top 75' of security tools at:

-- Mitch

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