[nycphp-talk] How many of you guys are "down" with Java/OO - like programming concepts?

Phil Powell phillip.powell at
Wed Feb 18 16:21:50 EST 2004

I am now learning how to write PHP not necessarily as flat script but as 
an OO construct, that is, classes, "abstract" classes, "interfaces", 
Singleton Design Patterns, etc.  and it's really helping me out a lot 
toward understanding how to come close to implementing it in Java.

Except for one problem.  The various Java programming and online 
resources (and offline books I have) basically all inform me that 
understanding Java from a "scripter's perspective" is flat wrong, 
because Java is pure OO and involves concepts such as Polymorphism, 
Encapsulation, Inheritance, even things like Beans and Struts they claim 
you cannot know as a scripter but as a pure OO programmer.

So I'm asking the experts among me for advice: should I continue my 
persuit of PHP from what little OO knowledge I have?  Also, do any of 
you share a Java background along with PHP and see any symbiosis 
possible between the two and if even possible that a scripter such as 
myself could cross over into the OO Universe anytime?


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