[nycphp-talk] sqlite temp file problems

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Feb 23 14:13:54 EST 2004

Daniel Convissor wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 11:26:48AM -0700, John Lacey wrote:
>>$dbh = sqlite_open('foo.db', 0666, &$err_msg);
> First, I get a call time pass by reference is depricated warning.

probably due to the fact that you're running php5 and I'm 
running sqlite built against php4

> Taking out the & then takes me back to the original error message I 
> posted.
> Something else is going on here.  I took a look at my security logs and
> found attempts to create files such as "C:\WINNT\sqlite_5VwP2hmAcOMrUr1."  
> Well, I run Apache as a restricted user, so of course it can't write to
> that directory!  Now, WHY is it trying to write to that directory?  How is
> one supposed to set the temp dir for SQLite in PHP?  It's ignoring the
> system environment variables, that's for sure.
> Thanks,
> --Dan

I have a file in my C:\winnt\temp called sqlite_llkjadjfk 
(whatever) with a size of 0.  dunno exactly what that is used 
for since I've never had to look for it before


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