[nycphp-talk] Re: [nycphp-dev] LDAP Authentication Against Microshaft's Active Directory

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Mon Feb 23 19:01:39 EST 2004

Michael Southwell wrote:

> This inquiry should be directed to the NYPHP-talk discussion list.
> At 05:05 PM 2/23/2004, you wrote:
>> Have any of you attempted to authenticate a user against AD using 
>> LDAP? I am
>> developing an application for a school district that will allow 
>> teachers and
>> students to use their existing usernames and passwords. However, we 
>> have a
>> user table in MySQL to authenticate parents.

My answer to this is, well, yes and no ;^)

I've done it with Zope/Plone, but never from PHP.  The one thing that I 
remember is that there are two ports that an AD server listen to for 
LDAP, the 'official' one and the other for something like 'data 
services' or somesuch.  It is this second port that your PHP apps will 
have to bind to, as the 'official' port mangles all transmissions to an 
almost unusable state.



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