[nycphp-talk] shopping cart experiences

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Tue Feb 24 01:47:20 EST 2004

> >
> > I think to date it's one of the best written PHP applications out
> > there.
> you're kidding right...? IMO the code is overblown, messy and obtuse
> ... I have spent many an hour trying to work out wtf they're doing
> sometimes with all those tep_* functions and half baked classes ...
> as an aside has anyone looked at ? based on
> osc apparently but better....

I just installed zen-cart to give it a try.
Here is my observations:
1. It seems to be a fork of osCommerce
2. It is still beta so I came across and unstable install scrip, one may
need to install manually.
3. Its administration seems to be well organized and though out.

I have not idea how its codebase differs or if its easier to maintain.

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