[nycphp-talk] Magic is Illusion?!?

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Fri Feb 27 15:42:34 EST 2004

On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 02:39:18PM -0500, Chris Snyder wrote:
> Daniel Convissor wrote:
> >ImageMagick?
> > 
> >
> My first thought was mime magic. Whatever the case, it would seem that 
> 555MB is the magic number that causes whatever process this was to 
> orphan the files.
> You might search for other files on the box with the same size to see if 
> that sheds any light on what they could be.

You can also try running the "file" command on the files.  It does a pretty
good job of determining the type of file you feed it.

Andrew Yochum
Digital Pulp, Inc.
andrew at

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