[nycphp-talk] question about session and scalability

Chris Hubbard chubbard at
Wed Jan 7 19:52:07 EST 2004

I agree with you, that the load *probably* does not warrant load 
balancing.  However, if it does, then would be nice/good/warm&fuzzy if 
it worked as a load balanced app.

thanks for the bit about short commit times, completely forgot about 

On Jan 7, 2004, at 4:45 PM, John Lacey wrote:

> Chris Hubbard wrote:
>> All,
>> Here's a weird question for you all.
>> Got a client who wants to run a couple different web servers, each 
>> server running a copy of the same php application.  There will be 
>> some sort (TBD) of load balancer between the servers and the 
>> internet.  And there will be a separate server for the database.
>> Users need to log into the application, and stay logged in while 
>> using the application.  We want to be able to keep the users session 
>> open even if one of the web servers crashes.  The users will be 
>> conducting transactions (against PostgreSQL), so I can use the 
>> transaction login in the database.
>> My understanding is that if we're using $_sessions and the server 
>> goes down, then, the user looses their session (and any work they'd 
>> done).  One of the ideas we've come up with is using a cookie, so we 
>> know from the inbound request who is making the request.  But I'm not 
>> keen on cookies, for various reasons.
>> We're anticipating no more than 50 concurrent users at any given 
>> time.  I don't have an idea on how much load on a server a single 
>> user will be.
> Well Chris, on the face of it, that doesn't sound like an app that 
> calls for load balancing at this point.  That, coupled with the 
> [relatively] low odds of things crashing on users, it might be not be 
> worth the effort.
> So far as "losing work" it would seem that an app would be written in 
> such a way to have relatively short commit cycles.  i.e. don't leave a 
> transaction uncommitted that depends on a user "thinking things over 
> at the keyboard"
> Is there other compelling reasons why the client wants to run copies 
> of the php app?
> John
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