[nycphp-talk] Re: IIS 5 and .inc files

Emmanuel Décarie emm at
Tue Jan 13 16:34:17 EST 2004

Hey thanks Tom for the answer, its exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks also to the others that replied. And sorry for not establishing clearly
my question.

Re Win2000 and IIS. These are not my choices. I'm always pushing for an
Apache/FreeBSD/Debian/OS X solution. I rather develop on a *nix environment.

Also, I'm using a framework where the important dot inc files are not in a
public repertory. But I had some .inc files in the public repertory. These
contains mainly html  to be included in the .php files.

>Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 14:43:09 -0500
>From: "Freedman, Tom S." <Thomas.Freedman at>

>Refers to the url
>It's a tool called URLScan, which is part of the IIS Lockdown Tool.  The
>newsgroup article is a description by a Microsoft employee of how to
>configure URLScan to exclude based on file extension.

Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
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