[nycphp-talk] Lunarpages

dhechtman at dhechtman at
Fri Jan 16 10:44:01 EST 2004

I am on lunarpages and they are quite nice.

They give what they advertise, I run a postnuke site on them.
They include a ready setup click-and-its-done php-nuke in the script folder 
but nothing prevents you from setting up your own.

The database tools are set up and very easy to use

And the price is nice, you can also add features on a piecemeal basis rather 
than jump right up to the more expensive package.

If you can afford it, getting your own server is well worth the cash and 
highly recommended but if not lunarpages is a very good deal.

> Anybody have experience with the webhost
> The packages they offer sound very reasonable. I have been
> increasingly unhappy with my current provider, but don't want to go
> through the time/expense/downtime of a switch to another host only to
> find I'm not happy with the new provider.
> TIA,
> Jim


*   It takes two to tango with an animated mango!     *
*                       {Alahbamamantandra}           *
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*  dhechtman at                                     *
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