[nycphp-talk] Re: firepages (OT)

John Lacey jlacey at
Fri Jan 23 15:31:15 EST 2004

yury at wrote:

> ok John, if you offer ski tickets and free drinks :) we're all coming..
> mark, we offer a glass of NYC tap water :) and they we say " show us the
> money"..
> p.s. nice web work..checked out yoursites.

yes, it's nice, but I worked on their older system, and 
believe it or not ported their AT&T Unix running on old 3B2 
hardware to a ComPAQ Proliant with ... drum roll... Novell 
Unixware 1.0 just after they released it.... gawd what a 
trip, but we got it all working!

Steamboat bought new systems a few years ago and I see their 
now using .net (aspx extension)

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