[nycphp-talk] Custom Form Fields

joshmccormack at joshmccormack at
Fri Jan 30 10:32:29 EST 2004

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004, Mark Armendariz wrote:

> I've been tossing about a similar idea, although since the majority of my
> clients are designers, it's really important for me to allow the client full
> control over the html of the forms.  I posted an example of a prototype for
> allowing that recently.
> I think such a system should be built that would allow anywhere from full
> form generation to simply data handling, while giving the designer full
> control of display.
> I've given clients solutions in the past involving a sepereate table with a
> whole mishmosh of dependencies.  It would be great to come up wth a good
> generic solution.
> Mark 

Has anyone seen this:

"DaDaBIK is a free PHP application that allows you to easily create a highly customizable Web form interface for a MySQL database in order to search, insert, update and delete records; all you need do is specify a few configuration parameters."

Just found it in my last ditch effort to find an existing script to allow a community to make product comparison charts, a la Consumer Reports.

Looks good, think I'll give it a try.


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