[nycphp-talk] Keeping the PHP license separate from GPL'd code

Tim Gales tgales at
Fri Jul 2 11:12:05 EDT 2004

Brian Kaney writes:
> As I understand it, typically extensions and libraries are released
> under the LGPL.  This allows people use the extension in some larger
> application without binding it (i.e. the application could be released
> under any license).  However, if changes are made to the specific
> library, the modifications would also fall under the LGPL.

Thanks for you response.

In the case that I am considering, I would 
take something which is already GPL and 
sort of turn it into a library.

It seems (I think) I would not be allowed to 
turn GPL code into LGPL just by making 
it into a library.

I am starting to think I should just 
write the whole thing from scratch 
and license it however the client wants -- 
seems a shame though.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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