[nycphp-talk] AMP development: talk me into a G4 PowerBook ?

Brian Pang bpang at
Tue Jul 6 23:26:18 EDT 2004

I had originally only sent this to David to try to keep the list
On-Topic, but since so many of you jumped right in, I guess it's only
fair that I get to share my ops, too.
Dontcha think? :)

> If you install the Debian PowerPC port, you'd have no problems running
> AMP (I would still recommend using XAMPP [ - also see
> Phundamentals])
> I have put it on an iBook (one of the blue and whites) and it works
> quite well.
> I used to use Macs, religiously, but I got very frustrated with OSX and
> switched to Linux (RedHat then, Knoppix and/or Debian now [also got
> frustrated with RedHat]). That's been about 3 years running now. After I
> transitioned (3-4 months) I've hardly bothered to use my G3 powerbook.
> Windows? I have a Win2k box for when I need it, which is equally rare.
> Not sure how well WINE or other Win-Emulator will work with Paint Shop
> Pro... or.. you could just drop that, too, and use the Gimp (
> In fact, I might just be inclined to start with Knoppix/Debian on your
> Inspiron and continue from there (you could dual boot it if you want to
> hang onto that legacy stuff)
> Good luck...
> Brian

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