[nycphp-talk] Happy 7th of July... Sort of

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Jul 7 12:01:02 EDT 2004

On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 11:33:30AM -0400, Joel De Gan wrote:
> I hopped into windows and fired up delphi6 and made one (for fun) that
> replaces any instance (in any webpage, replaced before IE parses) of the
> word "Yahoo" with the word "shit".

Tell me about it.  The "IT" "staff" at my girlfriend's job didn't secure 
her machine properly.  It got exploited and started popping up porn.  I 
told her to go search Google for "spybot."  Well, guess what.  The exploit 
changed the results to put some other piece of software in the number one 
spot, which I suspect was a trojan.  To confirm, I did the same search and 
got the expected results.  While this can be explained by Google altering 
results for different browsers/IP's/etc, I doubt it.


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