[nycphp-talk] PHP-related book comments

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Tue Jul 13 17:59:01 EDT 2004

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> But I know what he's getting at, and he's right... register_globals (as
> we all know :) was a bad idea.  True, it's still possible to write
> secure code with it on, but by having it enabled, a world of
> inexperienced people could throw sloppy code together and have it
> magically "work."
> In fact, PHP has had several of these bad ideas (directives with the
> word "magic" in them come to mind).

Blame Rasmus. AFAIK, all (almost all?) of those directives date back
to PHP/FI days.

But it's unfair to project back 2004 (or even 2001) realities upon

Different sets of programmers used PHP back then, the Web was a
very different place, and PHP was just a quick and dirty language for
guest books, hit counters, and e-mailing forms.


adam at
author of o'reilly's "upgrading to php 5" and "php cookbook"
avoid the holiday rush, buy your copies today!

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