[nycphp-talk] custom controls to represent DB relationships

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Tue Jul 13 21:01:07 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Not sure I understand 100% - you mean transactions? Foreign key
>constraints?  It sounds more like SQL level stuff, rather than something
>at a JS/CSS or even PHP level.

I think what the poster meant was code/classes that let you display 
sortable pages of records -- I have 100 songs in my database, I want to 
display them 25 per page sortable by artist, title, or genre. And I want 
to be able to select 10 songs and click a button that sends them to me 
as a zip file.

It would be really useful to abstract the code needed to generate xhtml 
+ css + js lists like that.

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