[nycphp-talk] PHP-related book comments

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Tue Jul 13 23:24:03 EDT 2004

--- John Lacey <jlacey at> wrote:
> One book that I hadn't seen before is "Exploiting Software: How to
> Break Code" by Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw.

This is a good book. I found myself in agreement with a majority of what
they say, which is rare for most books on Web application security. I came
away feeling like the authors had a good grasp on the subject.

> One small section that I took issue with and am about to write the 
> authors about is their characterization of PHP.

I noticed this, too. I'm not sure that it's poor research on their part as
much as a weak attempt at gaining credibility with an uneducated audience.
PHP is an easy target for "poor security" arguments, even if the
reputation isn't deserved.

> So, before I send an email to these guys, is there anything else I 
> should point out?

You might simply point out that a book like that is meant to help
developers write more secure code, and since the authors seem to have
difficulty distinguishing between a platform and applications developed
with that platform, you are having doubts about their credibility. :-)


Chris Shiflett -

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