[nycphp-talk] PHP5 on K5

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu Jul 15 10:40:05 EDT 2004

Michael R. McLarnon wrote:

> There is a long article on that just hit the front page, 
> in response to the release of 5.  It has a nice little tutorial, and 
> even goes into OO and what is new in this release.  My favorite quote:
> "The syntax of PHP looks like the offspring of a drunken alley-fondle 
> between C and Perl."

Once you get past the "emotional" part, it's a somewhat interesting 
piece.  I would be more interested in what the Convissors, Shifletts, 
Sklars, Tractenbergs and Zauneres and other people of that technical 
caliber on this list have to say...


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