[nycphp-talk] Python SIG Created at New York PHP

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Jul 26 23:28:22 EDT 2004

Joe Crawford wrote:

what about us linux users? i see that is for windows ;)

Assuming you're referring to xampp, yes, it seems there's no python 
addon for the linux flavor, but they just added java stuff for windows 
-- apache tomcat and cocoon...

Speaking of assuming, I pretty much assume a linux (or FreeBSD) user 
will be able to go out and get what they want and build it.  For 
example, when I teach LAMP, even tho it's an introductory-level series, 
I have them build a custom kernel, build apache, build php, etc.  What I 
don't have them do is build mysql.


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