[nycphp-talk] Development environment?

Jeff Knight jeffknight at
Fri Jul 30 13:07:25 EDT 2004

On Jul 30, 2004, at 9:59 AM, ophir prusak wrote:
> On the side of what browser to use, personally I shoot for IE 5 and up 
> since I know that's what about 95% of my users use.

I have to disagree with this. Aside from the many more obvious reasons, 
it is better to develop on anything but IE for a couple of reasons. 
First, since most people use it, any bugs are far more likely to be 
found by the users of IE, and you'll hear about them right away, but 
there a fewer eyes on the other browsers, so you're better served 
giving it a good look from that perspective yourself. Second, it is 
much easier to do something standards-compliant in an alternative 
browser and tweak it to work in IE than it is to start with IE an make 
it work elsewhere.

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