[nycphp-talk] Development environment?

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Sat Jul 31 04:20:09 EDT 2004

I've been using ProFont for at least a year now, which I TRULY enjoy using,
both on my laptop and desktop with about every app I use for coding...

As far as IDEs, I enjoy using Zend Studio for it's PHP prowess (and
debugging is fantastic when the client's dev server supports it, which my
server does not), but hand coding HTML is a real pain in Zend in comparison
to Dreamweaver MX and HomeSite.  The code completion and color coding in
both tools for html is phenomenal, and customizable, which is great for tag
based template systems (I generally use patTemplate).

Also, DWMX's regex search and replace is damned good.  Zend's is decent but
there's very little assistance for it.  Oh, and of course vi when working
over ssh.

For the environment, I usually use my BSD server at my host (using  MY host is generally very good about adding
whatever extensions I might need and whatnot.  For larger projects with
multiple developers, I'll usually create a new virtual server.  When
traveling, I use a barebones WAMP setup on my laptop, which I've found
little to no modification necessary (besides directory stuff) when uploading
to the usual LAMP server.  I'm hoping to get a new box around here soon so I
can make my current desktop into a local Linux server.  That, or if I can
find the time, I'll take the long dive into setting my laptop up with BSD or

I'm REALLY interested in OSX, and would LOVE to hook up a nice lil DE on an
OSX laptop for home and road, but even now in these busy times, Macs are


> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at 
> [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Daniel Convissor
> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 1:46 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Development environment?
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 05:10:46PM +0000, Joel De Gan wrote:
> > Want to thank you for pointing to that font.
> It's similar to "Lucida Console" on Windows, which is what I use.
> I write code in EditPlus, a basic text editor that has some 
> handy coding features.  I like it because it's clean and simple.
> Mitch mentioned code collapsing, which this doesn't have, but 
> it does produce a list of all functions in a file via Search 
> | Function List.  
> I use Zend Studio for complex debugging.  I don't like 
> writing in it because it's too cluttered, let alone is overkill.
> --Dan
> -- 
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