[nycphp-talk] Pair Network's "security" model - could it be this bad?

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Tue Jun 1 14:59:04 EDT 2004

Kamm, William R (Bill), ALABS wrote:

>I agree with Jay,  When I ftp or ssh into my account at boxnix, the root
>directory is the home directory of my account.  I can't "cd ..".  I just
>end up at the root level, and can only see my files.  How could anyone
>else with a different account have access to my files?

This degree of protection is not standard or default, especially with 
ssh. In, er, less developed operations they may not be using a chroot'd 
ssh or shell.

Anyway, unless the webserver is restricted to your home directory, too 
(unlikely), someone might be able to use the webserver to do their dirty 
work for them:

<?php print file_get_contents("/home/otheruser/.htpasswd"); ?>

Again, that's what safe mode protects against.

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