[nycphp-talk] FOAF etc...

Joel De Gan joel at
Tue Jun 8 19:11:19 EDT 2004

Not sure how many of you are on the RDFDEV list, for those of you who
are then please disregard. Otherwise there has been a large thread going
on for sometime about the PHP RAP parser and various things to do with
what is being called the FOAFnet.

I wrote up a rebuttal for several developers who are kind of taking the
ideas and running here:

It may be interesting to other people as well for what is currently
happening with FOAF and php systems that have to support them.

In case you are not aware, I am doing the peoples DNS (
for Broadband mechanics (people aggregator) and if you happen to be
going to FOAFcon in Ireland in early Sept I most likely will be seeing
you there.

If you run a project that could make use of, or uses, FOAF please let me
know and I can get you in touch with code etc which will be developed
for the FOAFnet.


joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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