[nycphp-talk] Skinable, portable desktop apps in PHP, tutorial and sourcecode

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Tue Jun 15 12:58:24 EDT 2004

LOL ... I just spent hours and hours - I think I have the same setup on 
Fedora w/ PHP5 here - my main issue I think was that I had the newest 
version of libglade installed as well as the old and had to 
--disable-glade to get it going ... 

My main issue now is some of the PixMap controls not working, I will try 
out your version as Im sure it solves alot of my problems, thanks again 

- Jon

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 12:28:16PM -0400, Joel De Gan wrote:
> I had the same issues.
> I run gentoo and keep everything very up to date so I had all kinds of
> problems, I also have php5 installed here.
> 'Finally' (after hours and hours) I found a binary distribution compiled

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