[nycphp-talk] Zend PHP Certification

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Fri Jun 18 08:45:38 EDT 2004

How do people feel about "official" certification as a qualified PHP 

My knee-jerk reaction is to rail against this sort of thing as a 
devaluation of the art of individual expression in programming, but I 
realize that it could create a strong incentive for all of us to make 
sure we're up to speed on the "phundamentals".

This could be particularly useful when coming to PHP from languages with 
different programming conventions, like Java or TCL, or for coders in 
one or two person shops where the style is homegrown. I've seen plenty 
of code that would never have been written had the author been aware of 
some common best practices.

I hope NYPHP will offer training (online and off) to pass certification 
if the community embraces it -- would anyone be interested in such a 
thing, either for themselves or their colleagues?

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