[nycphp-talk] Zend PHP Certification

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jun 18 09:28:18 EDT 2004

lol ... someone with a "Bachelor of Science in BSing"? 

i need to get my resume to your human relations department as soon as possible ...  


i think the certs are fair and justifiable, not only that but failing them proves to be 
quite educational beleive it or not, i learned more from failing the 1st sun java cert, 
alot that i never went back to take it again (half regretable).  call it cheap man's 
college degree or whatever but they can work wonders for some people :-)

- jon    

On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 08:56:32AM -0400, Mark Armendariz wrote:
> Nonetheless, I'd sooner hire someone I would be happy to have a few drinks
> with while chatting about coding methodologies and music than someone waving
> a signed and stamped cert in my face as proof of experience.

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