[nycphp-talk] [ot] linux expertise sought ...

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Mon Jun 21 14:06:22 EDT 2004

Yes Im sure thats what they are made for ... (getting newbies out of 
serious trouble :-)  My favorite bootable is knoppix-std which I would 
have ended up using (anything without the bloat + included fluxbox is a+ 
for me) ... there are so many to choose from nowadays ... did anyone end 
up writing an ISO for PHP demos yet?

On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 02:21:41PM -0400, Michael R. McLarnon wrote:
> Jon
> You might try out one of the bootable CD distros (notably Knoppix, but 
> there are others).  They have some great tools that you can use to work 
> on your system 'off-line', mount/unmount the hard drives, etc., because 
> the whole thing runs from a CD.
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