[nycphp-talk] can anyone recommend a good captcha?

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Wed Jun 23 12:20:19 EDT 2004


I have implemented an ASCII-art based CAPTCHA system to prevent my Wiki 
( based) from being spammed by spambots.

I have a post and code available on my weblog:

I have used some external class(es) for the generation of ASCII art text 
   (through the use of Figlet fonts) and other things.

If my patch files don't make sense, please feel free to ask for a 
classification system.

You can see an example of the code in action, but going to the following 
page and click on the "Edit this document" link on the bottom:

I have also implemented a logging mechanism that logs who made a mistake 
while entering a code, and when that mistake occured.

Best Regards,
- Jay

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