[nycphp-talk] Fwd: [wwwac] Web Developers Roundtable

Daniel Kushner kushner at
Tue Jun 29 22:23:58 EDT 2004

Posted on the WWWAC list. Might be of interest to the group.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lois J. Greene-Hernandez <loisgh at>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:24:45 -0400
Subject: [wwwac] Web Developers Roundtable
To: wwwac at

Hi Guys,

       I am trying to start a web developers roundtable in the New York City
area.  I want it to essentially be a networking group for web-programmers,
graphic artists and front-end developers.  I'd like to meet once or twice a
month in the B&N Union Square Cafe.  We could use the time to discuss
strategies for job hunting, finding freelance work, programming techniques,
and/or new technological developments.  I'd also like to know what you guys
might want to discuss and how many of you might be interested in the group
in the first place.

Please reply off list to me about this.


Lois J. Greene-Hernandez

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