[nycphp-talk] UPDATE php script as screensaver..

Joel De Gan joel at
Wed Jun 30 01:55:40 EDT 2004

As an update to below:
I am sitting here watching several animated sprite butterflies fly
around a grass-tiled mapped field.
All done in php-gtk.. 

for pathfinding, will use A* algorithm. Found a large selection of
sprites and tiles to use (all royalty free) tiles for
grass/trees/water/desert/snow etc.

Will add in animal stats/behaviors later (also a creature-gen), thinking
I will venture out from what terrarium is doing and have bugs, rats,
cats, dogs birds etc.. Make it more like a "biodome" than a terrarium..

heh.. yes yes.. this should be done c.. but hey, why not do it in php?

On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 19:57, Joel De Gan wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 14:51, Chris Snyder wrote:
> > Uh... Joel, I hope you will consider letting us beta-test the PHP 3D 
> > Desktop whenever you're almost ready to release. :-D
> I am actually working on getting sprites working right now.
> Already have terrain tiles working.
> If you are not familiar with Terrarium:
> You can make creatures: plants, herbivors, carnivors etc.. You have to
> write in it's intelligence and terrarium acts as the gateway for
> everyone's various creatures to interact. I was looking at the forums
> and there have been a few "super" critters that have taken over at
> various times until someone creates something to kill it.

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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