[nycphp-talk] The Difference Between OutSourcing and OpenSourcingis More Than a Few Letters

Tim Gales tgales at
Wed Jun 30 11:27:13 EDT 2004

 inforequest writes:

> Faber Fedor |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:
> >BTW, does anyone know of a successful off-shored project that wasn't 
> >brought back on-shore because it was a disaster?  I've never 
> heard of 
> >one.
> >
> The threat is used all the time, but in my exerience good 
> people who are 
> threatened leave -- as opposed to settling for less pay. Maybe they 
> don't lave right away, but they commit to leaving at first 
> opportunity.

I know of a money center bank, who (more than) hinted that they 
were looking into outsourcing. They suffered a brain-drain of 
about twenty developers (out of about 110) within two months.

The two executives responsible for the 'brainchild' also left 
the company -- ostensibly for greener pastures.

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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