[nycphp-talk] online password replacement

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Fri Mar 5 15:17:00 EST 2004

Hi All,

I wonder if anyone here has experience implementing a lost-password-recovery
function on a login-based website.  We're soon to be opening up our
membership database to allow each individual to edit his or her own records.
Naturally we have a login system in place, which our core staff is already
using to access the database, but as of now any lost passwords would be
replaced manually by the administrator.  If we open it to hundreds of people
that will be too much to handle, so I need to develop a way for people to do
it themselves (probably using an email address on file).  I'm sure I can
create something that works, but I'm not confident yet to create something
that both works and is fairly secure.

I googled around but couldn't find fruitful keywords.  Anybody have some
recommendations on how best to handle this feature, or some place on the Web
to look around?


Allen Shaw                                  ashaw at
IIFWP Data and                           914.631.1331 x.106
    IT Services              

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