[nycphp-talk] security, sessions, and encryption

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Mar 16 09:39:43 EST 2004

Thanks Jon, I'll check those out.  I can work with Windows if I have 
to, but...  do you happen to know of a good one that will run on Mac OS 


On Mar 16, 2004, at 9:05 AM, jon baer wrote:

>> started learning this stuff now!  Like, one question I have is, why
>> encrypt?  What am I preventing from happening?
> the best lesson you can give yourself is by downloading and firing up 
> a free
> packet analysis tool like Ethereal ( or my favorite
> Packetyzer ( and 
> watch
> what really happens between your client/browers and 
> server/apache/php/mysql,
> if somewhere along thoses lines you capture your own application 
> password it
> would be wise to think about starting to encrypt ...
> - jon

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