[nycphp-talk] [ot] Red Hat Fedora - should i upgrade?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Mar 17 08:57:14 EST 2004

Christopher R. Merlo wrote:

> When trying to decide this for myself, I read a few really really
> negative reviews, which all basically said that core 1 wasn't ready
> for primetime.  I forget now where I saw them; maybe distrowatch,
> maybe linuxnews.  I have yet to find a positive review.

Here it is ;)

I had RH9 running on my workstation at home, and have to admin a mix of 
7.X/8.X/FC1 servers all over the world.

Out of sheer curiosity I did a fresh install of FC1 on my workstation, 
and have been happy ever since.  Getting new versions of package-xyz was 
never easier (or available), and I have not experienced any stability 
issues - in fact am much happier with FC1.

FC2 is around the corner, and I contemplated installing a test release, 
but chickened out - I'll wait a little longer for the new kernel stuff 
to get ironed out.

I consider linux distros just like cell phones, right when you make up 
your mind on what you want, another one is announced, prolonging your 
purchasing paralysis :)

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