[nycphp-talk] Dumb Pear Question

Tom tom at
Fri May 7 11:09:34 EDT 2004

Hey Folks,

I have what is probably a dumb Pear question.  I have been from the PHPLib camp for quite a while now, and am now moving over to using Pear in my development.

In PHPLib, there is a Table class, which takes a dataset and builds the table for you.  I've extended that class over the years to include search, sortable columns, callback functions, pagination and a few other goodies.

I'm looking for the equivalent in Pear.  I just tried DB_Table, and was disappointed when I got through the tutorial and discovered that I was left holding the query result and was expected to handle the display myself - I'm too lazy for that! :-)

I'm now looking at DB_Pager, but it is old (2002), and DB_DataObject, but I don't think these do this either.  I have the "form" stuff handled with HTML_Quickform, but can't seem to locate anything that does what I am looking for recordsets.

Any ideas or experience with this?  Perhaps someone out there has extended one of these Pear modules and would like to share?


Tom - May 31st meeting: SQLite

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