[ot] RE: [nycphp-talk] Mac OS X local laptop setup

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Thu May 13 16:51:28 EDT 2004

Aaron Fischer wrote:

> Wellll, apparently not a very good one, because I just selected the 
> "Macintosh HD" and searched for "httpd.conf" and got nothing back! 

Welcome to command line unix. :-)

Aotearoa:~ csnyder$ which find

You didn't turn up httpd.conf because the FreeBSD filesystem is loosely 
off-limits to Finder, one of the few barriers remaining to the 
unix-ification of the Mac desktop.

BTW, I hear that the NYCBUG list is a good place to discuss the 
ins-and-outs of OSX as a server. There are also some excellent O'Reilly 
texts on the subject.

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