[nycphp-talk] How did you learn PHP (and programming)

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Tue Nov 9 07:53:37 EST 2004

I am your man, i have no formal education with programming and have
learned PHP some C without the knowledge of GTK or QT yet.

I first started learning PHP about 5 years ago, i bought a few books
on PHP 4 and mysql, once i read through those and did the examples
(always typed them and didnt use the source on cd or any shortcuts
like that)  I used #php channels on IRC quite a bit for help and find
that they are a good resource for help, they will not spoonfeed you,
you are still going to have to google, but they will give direction,
advice on better coding styles, and sometimes the flat out answer. 
Generally you will find me on in #php and #php-gtk as
i started to learn GTK but have now stopped due to time constraints. 
Mostly though i have learned PHP and everything else i know about the
computer through day to day use, and books.  As i look at my bookshelf
at this point i see 8 books related to PHP and MYSQL the best i have
read would have to be Core PHP Programming 3rd Edition ISBN:

As i said above i know a little C programming which i have thanks to
Deitel & Deitel for, thier books are very expensive but are well worth
the investment as they are easy to follow, clear and to the point. 
The book i used is C How to Program 3rd Edition ISBN: 0130895725

I want to learn more C programming and will be spending more time on
it in the near future as i have always thought it is good to know more
than one language if one dissapears you have the other to rely on.

I would love to get a degree at some point however i do not see this
happening, i have a family now and attempted the online college route,
this fell through because in my second class the instructor was
unreachable after the 2nd week.  I had financial aid and loans but
failed a course due to an instructor not being reachable nor was the
classroom (newsgroup).
The school stated that i had to pay for the failed course and i refuse
to do so since it was the instructors fault.  However that is my
background, if you have any paths you suggest i travel such as new
languages to learn i would appreciate any advice you have.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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