[nycphp-talk] newbie confusion

Mark Withington mwithington at
Wed Nov 10 23:14:36 EST 2004

Here's my suggestion - go to <>
, download the code, run it against the table you've created, it'll walk you
through the rest; impress the HR folks and than take the rest of the week
off (wow, sounds like a recipe for a career fast track ;-)

Mark L. Withington
"eBusiness for the Midsize Enterprise"
PO Box 1354
Plymouth, MA  02362
o: 800-310-3992
f: 508-746-4973
v: 508-746-2383
m: 508-801-0181 <> 
Netscape/AOL/MSN IM: PLMresearch
mwithington at
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-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]On
Behalf Of Freeman, Joshua
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:58 PM
To: talk at
Subject: [nycphp-talk] newbie confusion

Hi all,

I finally have a real-world project that has impelled me to get beyond all
the basic tutorials I've gone through.. but I'm stuck.  Here's the
description of what I'm trying to achieve and the problem(s).

when a hiring manager at my employer hires a new person, the HR dept.
presents the hiring mgr. with these 4.25 x 5.5 inch slips of paper with some
questions for rating the applicants.. you interview 5 people, you have to
fill out five pieces of paper.

My Database:

1) ethnicity:  eth_id, eth_name  (5 rows.. will never change)

2) position:   pos_id, pos_name (i want to avoid creating multiple names for
the same position)

3) interviewer: int_id, int_fname, int_lname (these are the managers... I'd
like to prevent people from  putting their name in different ways at
different times (like.. Josh Freeman, Joshua Freeman..)

4) applicant:  app_id, app_name (what if the same applicant applies for more
than one position?)

5) reason:  reason_id, reason_text (i.e. too inexperienced, not enough
experience.. mean the same thing..  so create a separate table...)

and the MAIN TABLE!

6) rating:  rating_id, app_id, pos_id, eth_id, gender(enum or separate
table?), interested (ditto), reason_id, comments, datestamp

So.. already, I need some guidance on how much to break this out.. do I need
two more tables for gender and 'interested'?

Here's my pseudo code:

1) page loads:  while loading, php reaches into the tables of the database
to grab the existing lists of interviewers, positions, applicants,
ethnicities, reasons and maybe genders and 'interested'

2) page displays the form:  using the information grabbed while loading the
form consists of:

     pulldowns for interviewer, position, applicant, ethnicity, reason
     radio button for gender
     checkbox for 'interested' and textarea for comments

2a) in addition to pulldowns, the person filling out the form can write in
interviewer fname, lname, position name, applicant fname, lname and

3) person submits form ... if information was written in instead of taken
from the pulldowns then that information needs to get written to the correct
tables and then the id numbers from those rows have to be put into the new
record being created in the main table...


4) the submitted data is displayed back to the browser

Does this all make sense?

I can take form input and put it into a single table, but now.. I'm really

can someone help me?

I'm googling for the tutorial(s) or examples I need but I'm not finding

Thanks in advance for any handholding or advice.



Joshua S. Freeman
Director, Information Technology, NYBG
v: 718 817 8937 m: 347 392 2560
jfreeman at nybg dot org

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