[nycphp-talk] lazy initialization woes

Sol Toure sol2ray at
Thu Nov 11 09:22:06 EST 2004

> $sales_order = new sales_order;
> $sales_order->has_a( customer );
> print $sales_order->customer->name;
> print $sales_order->customer->name;
> the fourth line works, because the customer object was instantiated
> during line three (line three still fails to return a value). Does
> anyone have any suggestions on how to get this working?

Line 3 fails because you do not return anyting from __get()
You should return " $this->$class " from your __get function call.
Line 3 = $undifined->name;
Line 4 succeeds because __get is not called and you have now a new
property "$this->class" that is public by default so therefore
accessed directly.
Line 4 = $customer->name;

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