[nycphp-talk] Top 5 Most Useful PHP Functions?

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Thu Nov 11 16:13:09 EST 2004

My votes go for:
    5. array_walk/map - Mmmmm... code reuse.
    4. get/set_include_path - I like manipulating my include path at runtime.
    3. mktime - for its date arithmetic features.
    2. ob_start/get_contents - for caching, code reuse/re-purposing, etc.
    1. debug_backtrace - where have I been?

On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 11:21:06PM -0500, csnyder wrote:
> And if I had to pick a control structure it would be foreach. I mean,
> does anyone use list() anymore?

Yes.  I frequently use it like this:
    List($A['Value1'], $A['Value2'], /*Junk*/ ) = Explode($Some_Delimeter, $Some_String);


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