[nycphp-talk] Uploading file with PHP

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Fri Nov 19 16:38:27 EST 2004

guys i am having a load of an error here and i cannot track it down

i am running php 4.3.8 on linux and apache 2

now i am trying to submit a form with 2 file upload fields on the
form, i have named the fields name="files[]" and in my code when the
form is submitted i print_r both $_FILES and $HTTP_POST_FILES

now here is my problem, they both return an empty array ???

my php.ini says file_uploads is On and the file sizes are not breaking
the 2mb limit set in the php.ini

this is on my dev server so i cannot post a url to a phpinfo page
since my ISP blocks my web server, so what i have done is ran it
locally and saved the source to an html file and posted it on

if anyone can come up with any reasons as to why this would be
happening i would apprectiate it.  I have been fighting with this for

here is the code after the form is submitted.

if( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) {
	echo '<pre>';
	echo '</pre>';
	echo '<pre>';
	echo '</pre>';

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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