[nycphp-talk] PHP: Universal Document Conversion

Michael mogmios at
Fri Nov 19 17:52:52 EST 2004

>I have a client that would like to be able to take uploaded files in
>*any* format and convert them to a tiff file before storing them for
>later viewing.
>When I say ANY file format I mean most printable documents. I.E.
>WordPad, MS Word,MS Excell,Text, Unicode,PowerPoint,MS Project,MS
>Visio,HTML,PDF,JPEG,GIF,BMP,PNG,Lotus 1-2-3,Xerox,CorellDRAW, etc.
>I have found several windows programs that are print driver emulators
>that all users to print to the program in order to convert the
>document to a TIFF.
>There are also some of these programs that come with and SDK  so that
>they can be programmed to.
>I am wondering if anyone on the list has done something similar to
>this using PHP?  Doesn't need to be  free, open source, GPL, or any
>thing like that.  Just wanted to check if there was already something
>out there before i reinvent the wheel.
Looked at Ghostscript? It has filters for turning just about anything 
into a postscript file. Then postscript is easy enough to convert to 
tiff files. I think ImageMagick can do that if Ghostscript can't. You 
could just tap your code into those.

Michael <mogmios at>

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