[nycphp-talk] PHP AND AOL Instant Messenger

Matthew Terenzio webmaster at
Sat Oct 2 14:15:52 EDT 2004

> So, once your page request is fulfilled, there is no more connection
> between you and the server.  Therefore there is no way to maintain an
> interactive process like you want.

well, like I said, you can keep the http connection  open. Not 
scalable, works on port 80 through firewalls, but will not work with a 
proxy since it will wait for the complete request and then forward it 
to the browser or client.
very similar to streaming over http.

On Oct 2, 2004, at 12:13 PM, Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Joseph:
> On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 09:45:51AM -0400, Joseph Crawford wrote:
>> so the only way to do something like this is to communicate to a
>> server process? i mean i cant have someone go to the site, login and
>> have the socket remain open such as this.
>> user goes to the site, logs in, that page doesnt change once they
>> login, when they click a user in thier userlist it opens a new window
>> via javascript that will allow them to send the message in some way.
> If you're looking to do this so a user can be on a web browser looking 
> at
> a page on a web host, it seems you're misunderstanding how the HTTP
> protocol works.
> A web browser opens an HTTP request to a web server, asking it to 
> return a
> specific page.  If the page in question is a script (such as PHP or 
> Perl),
> the server tells the appropriate interpreter to run the script and
> generate the HTML.  The HTML is then passed to your web browser.  The
> transaction is finished and the connection closed.  Your browser then
> renders the HTML.
> So, once your page request is fulfilled, there is no more connection
> between you and the server.  Therefore there is no way to maintain an
> interactive process like you want.

> The only way to get this to work is with another protocol.  Java or
> Flash, among other things, can be used to do that.
> --Dan
> -- 
>  T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
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