[nycphp-talk] Escaping special character like *, + in sql where clause

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Oct 12 14:03:11 EDT 2004


On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 07:20:37AM -0700, SS wrote:

> No, it doesnot. It says incorrect syntax near escape.

You really need to be specific.  You finally mentioned you're using 
mssql.  That's imporant to know.  Now what's important to know is the 
exact query you're running.  I mean, how can we tell you what you're 
doing wrong if we don't know what you're doing? :)

Before telling us that, make sure you do some testing yourself.  
Break it down to a very simplistic level.  The query's WHERE clause 
should refer to only one field and the query should return only one 
column.  This way it's easy for us to read and test ourselves.

Then tell us the complete and exact error message that comes back.


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