[nycphp-talk] Windows not processing form?

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Oct 15 17:13:47 EDT 2004

1.  Yes, closing form tag present.
2.  MS SP 1, not yet installed SP 2.

I'll have to do some digging to confirm, but I don't think it's proxied.

-Aaron (blushing at recent exposure of newbie-nness)

On Oct 15, 2004, at 4:58 PM, Tom Melendez wrote:

> 'm coming in on the conversation late, so excuse me if the following
> has already been suggested/tried:
> 1. Closing Form tag?  I have seen the absence of this cause problems
> (although I would expect it NOT to work with Safari in this case)
> 2. Windows users: are they running SP2?  Is this an intranet app, or is
> the host proxied in some manner?  MS is handling web requests to
> machines on the local network differently now.
> Hope that helps,
> Tom

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