[nycphp-talk] NEW PHundamentals Question - Headers & Downloads

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Oct 24 19:03:05 EDT 2004

I know we already have another PHunny in discussion, but the below
questions that Jeff raise are very interesting.  I assume by not seeing
that there weren't any responses, they are simply unknown.

Thus, I suppose, everyone must agree with question #5 at the bottom of
this message - and thus, hopefully this PHunny will be a #4  :)


> This email consists of a number of quotes from the different responses
> to the PHundamentals question on headers & downloads. (See:
> Each quote is followed by a question. When responding, feel free to
> slice up this email as needed but please include the particular
> quote/question you are responding to.
> QUOTE No. 1 - Mozilla and file extensions:
> "Another gotcha, that I can't resolve, actually involves Mozilla.  For
> instance, Mozilla (and derivatives) always append the file extension
> the type of page originally viewed.  What do people do for this?  For
> instance, in phpMyAdmin, downloading a .sql file will be saved as a
> .sql.php file."
> QUESTION FOR QUOTE NO.1: Has anyone resolved the problem mentioned in
> quote no. 1? Has anyone NOT had that problem?
> QUOTE NO. 2 - IE, Caching and SSL:
> "...but I've run into some tricky problems with IE
> and SSL.  Now some would argue that this is a bug, but I think IE is
> actually inline with the standard.  Details are at:
> Basically, when a previous header has been sent to not cache anything,
> it won't let you save a file - that actually makes sense.  So, the
> workaround, which I've found works all the time, it to replace the
> default caching headers (ie, no-cache) with this:
> header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate', TRUE);
> header('Pragma: ', TRUE);
> Next would be to send the standard disposition, type and so forth
> headers, per above."
> QUESTION FOR QUOTE NO.2: Are there any SSL issues with non-IE
> QUOTE NO. 3 - Using Unknown MIME Type:
> "I have read where developers intentionally set an unknown mime type
> when they want to force a download. Does anyone know whether this is
> justified?"
> QUESTION FOR QUOTE NO.3 - Any one have any experience with this?
> QUOTE NO. 4 - Browser/Header Matrix:
> "Has anyone developed a matrix like:
> Browser -> Version -> Required Behavior -> Use These Headers?"
> QUESTION FOR QUOTE NO.4: Anyone have such a matrix or know of the
> existence of such a matrix?
> QUOTE NO. 5: A Black Art?:
> "So at the end of the day, I think it's somewhat of a black art.  On
> occasion, trying to force a download vs a file open seems impossible,
> depending on browser, version, and plugins."
> QUESTION FOR QUOTE NO.5: Agree? Disagree? And why?

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